
Training camp's summary (Germany)

2010-07-13 10:56:03
Last week, 04-11th of July, Slask Wroclaw's team had their first summer training camp in Hoeckendorf, Germany, which happened to be an extremely interesting and fruitful event. Read more to find out some juicy details on the players' activities during the camp.

4th July

Śląsk's team left Wroclaw around 2 pm. The trip didn't seem long, particularly because the players were kept amused with a movie about football supporters around the world. It became even more interesting when they started discussing fans' behaviour in Argentina (home to our new striker - Cristian Diaz) and the Balkans (commented by Vuk Sotirovic).

6th July

Śląsk played their first sparring game during summer interval. It wasn't the beginning one could hope for as we were defeated by FK Teplice 0:5. Only the first half was quite close-fought, and the match finished with an own goal performed by Broniszewski, a player participating in the camp for football trials.

The gallery of this encounter is available here.

7th July

Second sparring match against Hallescher FC was played much better on our side; however, we still lacked precision in attack. Thus, in the end our team was forced to leave the pitch defeated 0:1.

Watch photos of this game here.

8th July

On that day players were entertained with a trip to "Sherwood Forest" - a ropes course nearby Hoeckendorf, which occured to be a challenging outdoor personal development and team building activity. It was also quite useful in terms of muscle exertion. Everybody was satisfied with the adventure and an out of the ordinary training opportunity.

Check out the extreme fun they had here.

9th July

Everybody was waiting for the next sparring match, this time against Dynamo Dresden. The game was very well organized. 600 fans came to watch and support the German team. They could buy official gadgets and enjoy the game drinking beer and other refreshments. However, Śląsk Wrocław's fans didn't fail to visit and support us as well.

This match was very much different from what we saw in the previous encounters. The game was close-fought, with all players active and eager to win. It all finished with an even 0:0 score, but it was filled with exciting emotions and dangerous goal situations.

The game's photo gallery can be found here.

10th July

Sebastian Mila celebrated his 28th birthday and received an unusual gift of becoming the team's new captain.It is an honour and a great surprise for me - he commented, and added - Dariusz Sztylka, the former captain was very good at the job. It'll be extremely difficult to get in his shoes.I want to to thank him and promice the guys that I'll do my best to live up to their expectations.

11th July

At the end of the camp, Śląsk played their last sparring game, and it was the one we were waiting for. Gelg-Weiss Goerlitz was defeated 8:0 (5:0) after beautiful goals performed by: Sobota 1', Kaźmierczak 8', Celeban 14', Diaz 18', 21', Gikiewicz 53', 70', Więzik 77'. Therefore, we can honestly say that the training camp let our footballers spread their wings and play out. Next one will take place in Croatia.

Watch photos of the sparring match here.

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